List of Local IP Fellowship Submissions
No | ID | Family Name | First Name | Country/City | Phone No | Status | Payment Status | Actions |
Application Details
Family Name: | |
First Name: | |
City / Country: | |
Address: | |
Hospital where you currently work: | |
Medical Degree: | |
Member of Malaysian AssociaIon for Bronchology & IntervenIonal Pulmonology (MABIP): | |
Have you completed the local Pulmonology Fellowship: | |
Email: | |
Mobile phone: | |
Previous experience in intervenIonal Pulmonology training: | |
IntervenIonal Pulmonology courses: | |
Communications/lectures/presentations in national/international congresses and conferences (attach supporting documents): | |
Publications in interventional pulmonology in national/international journals (attach supporting documents): | |
Please submit this form and your CV (attach supporting document): |